We decided to have some fun this summer and we have chosen to have two themed contests!


This is our photo contest.  We’re looking for you to capture what your camp therapy is…whether you enjoy quiet time admiring the natural surroundings, boating on the lake, the camaraderie of a campfire or staff game, camp offers so many opportunities. Show us your camp therapy!


You’ve probably seen the trend of this childhood game, “The Floor is Lava.”  If you have not, check it out on Youtube. Recreate your own and send us your video!

*Please note that while this is fun, you must consider your surroundings for safety and appropriate timing (do not interrupt timely work).  Although we encourage you to have fun, safety is first. We are not liable for any property damage or injury incurred and such submission will not be considered.

Submission deadline is August 1st.  Winners to be announced on August 12th.

First Prizes: $200            Second Prizes: $100


  • All CampStaffUSA participants are eligible.
  • Photos & videos can be submitted to [email protected] or [email protected] or posted to Facebook tagging @CampStaffUSA.  Photos & videos submitted by email must be labeled clearly with your name for identification.

*By submitting your photos or videos, you are implicitly giving permission to CampStaffUSA and your J1 sponsor to use copies in whole or part for marketing and promotional purposes. Many camps have camper privacy protections, so any photos submitted with campers seen, must have the camp director’s approval.