What is CampStaffUSA?

CampStaffUSA is a one of a kind staffing site that focuses on summer camp employment.  Our services attract skilled applicants from all over the world including the USA!  We pre-screen candidates and provide an orientation to camp employment so that our applicants are prepared for their summer experience. CampStaffUSA was founded by camp directors looking for an all-in-one solution for hiring quality summer camp staff.  We are unique in that we provide summer camps with talented and reliable summer camp candidates from both the US and abroad to fill counselor, support staff and advanced skills roles; we provide free customizable virtual events; and we provide these services and more at highly competitive fees with some of the highest participant pocket money.

With our international outreach, our domestic presence and the cooperation of our account representatives, camp employers can enjoy a full service staffing option.

Our enhanced interactive system and customizable virtual fairs offer our employers the ability to take part in hiring events with participants from all over the world (domestic and abroad) during convenient daytime hours and from the comfort of their own office.

Does everyone have access to CampStaffUSA to search for staff?

No, camps must register and go through a vetting process for approval prior to gaining access to search for staff. To gain access to our participant pool of great candidates, it is required that you:

  • Register as an Employer with CampStaffUSA
  • Review & complete the Camp Profile using the username and password provided.
  • Review & accept the terms and conditions

It is as easy as that to gain access to the participant pool of great candidates!

How do I find the staff I need?

CampStaffUSA offers you a variety of ways to go about securing the best staff for your upcoming season:

  • Communicate directly with your Account Manager exactly what you need and they will go to work for you. They will search for you to make recommendations of existing candidates or will market creatively to find potential staff that will fit your needs.
  • Use the CampStaffUSA database to search and hire independently.
  • Take part in one of our customized virtual fairs.
How do I use the CampStaffUSA database?

The EMPLOYER OVERVIEW is the Home Page for Employers on the CampStaffUSA website. This is essentially your start screen to do what you need to do to hire your staff and ensure that you have all the information that you need.

From this screen you will find the following:

Staff Needs Section: Fill in your staff needs to ensure that your Account Manager knows what positions you are specifically looking to fill. CampStaffUSA targets marketing based on the needs of the camps so it is especially important to update your staffing needs in November / December and the early months of the recruitment season.


Camp Profile: Fill in the camp profile to ensure that there is no delay in your ability to search in the participant pool. The relevant information from your camp profile will automatically be drafted into your job offers, so it is very important that this be done prior to searching for and selecting staff. This information is also required to prevent any delays in the visa processing of your international staff.


Pricing Structure: You have access to each season’s pricing structure from this page as well. Note that although total cost to you (staff salary + program fees) is fixed the distribution between the salary and program fees may vary slightly.  You will see the specific distribution clearly outlined on each CV.


Resources: You will have access to a resource page that provides additional information that is helpful for employers to have in case it is needed. This includes, tax information, social security information, required documentation for international participants, etc. It is very helpful and we highly recommend taking a look!


Find Staff: This provides access to the participant pool. You can search by skill, country, age, etc. Please remember that participants are screened on an ongoing basis so check back often as it changes day-to-day. If you are looking for something you don’t see, please contact your Account Manager and/or update your Staff Needs to ensure that CampStaffUSA is aware of your specific needs. You can expect to see American / Domestic staff as early as January, but the general hiring season is February through June.


My Staff: This section holds a list of all of the staff that you hired, have reserved or are reserved for you by your Account Manager. “Hired” and “reserved” applicants are not viewable by other camps. In an effort to give good applicants maximum exposure to hiring camps, “reserved” applicants are automatically released each Friday COB back into the pool to allow the participant to be viewed by other hiring camps. Camps are therefore encouraged to work quickly to schedule a time to speak with potential staff to determine if they would be a good fit for your camp.  Applicants can be re-reserved if more time is needed and this can be done either by you or through your Account Manager.  If you need further assistance in this matter, you must contact your Account Manager.


Visa Update & Travel: You will have access to the updated travel information of all of your staff and the visa status of your international hires as they are submitted. International applicants are required to update their status on this site for sponsorship purposes, so if you require that travel and visa progress be submitted to you in another way, please remind the participants to complete this page, too.


Incident Report: This provides the opportunity for you to let CampStaffUSA and its sponsors know of any incident at camp and in case of termination, it automatically prorates the salary for your convenience.  It is required that this be updated within 3 days of the incident for reporting purposes. This is especially important in cases such as early termination, suspension, hospitalization, accidents (that cause harm, such as vehicular), and police contact.


Invoice: You will have access to your Invoice for each season from this page. This will be accessible for your review and payment will be required within 30 days of receipt via email.  If you have any question about your invoice, please contact your Account Manager.


CSUSA Contact Information: You will also see the contact information for your Account Manager. Your Account Manager is there to assist you with selecting qualified staff for your needs… so utilize him/her as best you can to help you!