International Applicant Facts

CampStaffUSA was created by US camp directors and works with Department of State designated J1 sponsors.  Our goal is to introduce applicants to the RIGHT camp, not just ANY camp and to do so in the most affordable yet applicant-friendly way.

Let’s go through the facts about the J1 visa process for US Camp Jobs.

  1. You can go through the entire J1 visa application process directly through a sponsor  – in most countries you do not need a recruiting agency to do it for you.
  2. You can obtain your own background check locally.
  3. You can book your own travel and find the best prices, dates and times available for you.  You actually have flexibility in your travel.  The J1 visa, in most cases, permits you to enter the US up to 30 days prior to your program beginning date so you can plan to travel a bit even before your program begins.   If you choose to do this, however, you will need to have ample money for the travel and you will need to arrange for additional medical insurance through your sponsor. *

The biggest obstacles in searching for and obtaining a position with a US camp:

  1. Applicants prepare a CV or resume without understanding summer camp and how their experience relates to a camp setting.  Simple adjustments can make the application more attractive to a director.
  2. Applicants are not prepared for the types of questions most used in camp interview.
  3. Most applicants are college students and cannot afford large upfront costs.

CampStaffUSA offers solutions!

CampStaffUSA helps remove these obstacles and creates a unique matching system with less upfront cost and more pocket money.  You’ll be assigned a CampStaffUSA supervisor who will answer any and all questions you have about summer camp employment, who will coach you in creating the best profile/CV based on your skills and experience and who will prepare you for potential interviews.

Our structure offers some of the highest minimum pocket money and some of the lowest fees!

* The summer work travel program has established a set “window of opportunity” for each country.  Participants are ONLY eligible to participant within their university set summer break within the window of opportunity. See Summer Work Travel Program Dates. 

**Where camps are subject to minimum wage, salary and fees are subject to change.

Find out more about the CampStaffUSA difference!

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